Welcome to the Land of Simsalajea

Named after its pioneers Simon and Jeanine. A beautiful bright twisted fantasy land in the north. Rich in love, rave and glitter. Absent of borders, formalities and life concerns.

Apply for a visa below and get the chance to attend Simsalajea Festival, Aug 27‑29, 2021.

Simsalajea Festival

Fri, Aug 27, 3 PM - Sun, Aug 29, 1 PM

Jeanine and Simon want to welcome friends and party people to a two-day celebration of love and friendship.

It takes place in an unrevealed location approx. two hours from Copenhagen by car or public transit. You'll find everything you need to stay comfortable: Private room and bath, beachview, pool area and much more.

If you received a link to this page - or if you're hot and single - then you're most likely welcome to attend. Check out the details below.

Apply for Visa

When your application for a Simsalajea Visa is accepted, then you'll get a personal invite for the festival. Note, it may take up to 14 days to process the application.

The invite will have billing information. Yes, it's not for free. Think of it as a wedding - though it's not - where you were to buy a gift and find accommodation, but in this case that's already taken care of.

You are the gift. And for DKK 1200 you'll get two days of:

All inclusive.

So hurry up. Apply now.

When were you born? This is for some insurance stuff...

Anything we should know that we don't know already?